= Ticker symbol (e.g "MMM")
= Type of date to insert into created comment. Defaults to a value of 1. Possible values:
0 = Insert text only
1 = Insert image of daily chart from Stockcharts' Gallery View for passed "Ticker"
2 = Insert image of P&F Chart from StockCharts for passed "Ticker"
3 = Insert image of 6-month Candleglance Chart from StockCharts for passed "Ticker"
4 = Insert image of 6-month chart from Business Week Online for passed "Ticker"
99 = Insert custom image using the "Ticker"
field value as the URL of the image. Excel appears to have a limit of
100 bytes for this URL.
| = Width (in pixels) of comment box. Optional except when Choice=99. Default values vary depending on the value of "Choice".
| = Height (in pixels) of comment box. Optional except when Choice=99. Default values vary depending on the value of "Choice".
= A binary value to indicate whether the comment should be visible or hidden; optional; defaults to 0 (hidden).
0 = Keep comment hidden
1 = Make comment visible
= Top position (in pixels) of comment relative to the top of the cell containing the formula. Defaults to 1.
= Leftmost position (in pixels) of comment relative to the left of the cell containing the formula. Defaults to 1.
= Scaling amount to apply to Choice-based height and width sizes. Defaults to 100%.
= Text data to place into comment box. In most cases, you would NOT use this if you are loading an image. Defaults to "".
= Data to return as the value for the cell. Defaults to "Chart".